
Dance, Dance

Do one thing everyday that makes you smile

Dance like no one is watching; sing like no one is listening; work like you don’t need the money; and love like you’ve never been hurt.

Dancing always brings a smile to my face. The feeling of moving to a song I love simply makes me laugh with happiness. The rush of endorphins from jumping, twirling, side stepping (like a mini exercise routine) also adds to my overall happiness at the end of the song. My challenge to you is to do one thing everyday that makes you happy. You'll thank me for it later on. Anything from being outdoors, exercising, sleeping more, hiking, dancing, singing, watching a movie, reading a book, taking a photograph, whatever you heart desires, will have a positive outcome on your daily life. Studies show that when we do an activity we enjoy, it produces an overall effect of positive and enjoyable experiences for us elsewhere in our lives as in the workplace. Why not take some time then to make ourselves happy?


Ballerina Ball

Ballerina Fairy Tale

Coco Chanel was always doing things with ballet, so it is a tradition clashing fashion and ballet
— Carine Roitfeld

This had to be one of my favorite outfits to photograph. I felt like a ballerina and fairy princess all rolled into one. Believe me, there were many twirling moments that occurred. I kept my hair up in a big loose ballerina bun accented by a pearl headband. The glittery gold shoes are another recent addition to my collection. I fell in love with the Enzo Angiolini brand since they fit so well and look stylish, while also being comfortable to walk in. Jewelry wise I wanted to keep it simple. My usual necklace and bracelet (the necklace a gift from Justin and the tennis bracelet from my mom) with pink earrings and an additional pink rhinestone bracelet. The dress was a gift from Justin for my most recent birthday.

glittery gold

Here is a close up of the shoes from a photo I took on Memorial Day