It’s common form many to look at the new year as a fresh start, a time to think about the past year and any changes they would like to make or improve upon daily activities already in motion. This particular new year feels even more special since its the start of an entire new decade.
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Fall Inspiration
Date Night Inspirtaion
I've been having a big crush on polka dots lately. Can you blame me?? This adorable print got me thinking about my weekly inspiration post which quickly became a date night outfit idea. This even has a kind of grown up Minnie Mouse appeal to it. I love pairing black and white together with a pop of red and a hint of gold. It feels so very parisian chic. Shop the outfit details above. Enjoy your Wednesday everyone!
High Tea
Happy Wednesday loves! As usual, Wednesday is always devoted to inspiration and today I chose High Tea for the theme. One of my favorite memories is having tea with my mom while we watched Murder She Wrote or just chatted about life. Also, while on vacation in Rehoboth Beach, we would always go for high tea at the Plaza Hotel. She absolutely adored it. Everything is available to shop with the links above.
Spring Time Bags and Shoes
Now that Spring has sprung, I've been thinking about bright colors along with soft pastel ones. Both are so perfect for spring as well as the upcoming summer season. Here's some pretty accessories I've been eying up lately. The white clutch and floral heels I already bought and absolutely love. Enjoy this inspiration!
Easter Outfit Inspirtaion
You Had Me At Pastel
Happy Wednesday all! Here is another collection of inspiration for you. To me, Easter always means pastel colors or white dresses. I love how dreamy everything feels. Enjoy!
Sweet Dreams
Sweet Dreams
Since sleep and relaxation have been on my mind quite a bit this past week, I thought it would be fitting to have a little sweet dream inspiration. After all, we spend 1/3 of our life sleeping! Might as well make it as lovely as possible. Enjoy!
Flirty Fashion
Minty Fresh
Currently Craving
A little inspiration for your Wednesday. Currently loving all things minty fresh right now. Enjoy!
California, Here We Come!
It's finally here! Justin and I are currently on our way out to California for some warm weather and sunshine. A "Babymoon" if you will. So exciting. In light of our Cali trip, here is some California inspiration for everyone.
Inspiration Friday
Light Blue Hues
Happy Friday everyone. Lately I've been craving some light blue hues for Spring and beyond. Here are some lovely inspiring pieces that are currently available and everything is under $100. Notice the Disney Cinderella shirt? Lauren Conrad is coming out with a Disney inspired line for Kohls, along with her LC Lauren Conrad line, for the upcoming live action movie Cinderella. I can hardly wait! The line is available on February 22nd.
Valentine's Day Gifts for Her
A little Inspiration for your Tuesday morning!
Flower Power
Flower Arranging Tips
“The earth laughs in flowers”
Nothing beats having fresh flowers in your home. The bright colors and fragrant smells remind me of what such beauty there is in this world. Bringing fresh flowers into your home will no doubt brighten up your mood. While filling your home with fresh flowers can be costly, one trick I've learned is to buy bunches of inexpensive flowers, separate them all out, and then make my own small arrangements in pretty vases. So now you have the small arrangements chosen for each vase. Another trick I've learned is to take clear tape and make a grid pattern at the opening home of the vase. Think like a tic-tac-toe game. After creating the grid and cutting the stems to the appropriate length, place each flower within each little square until you can no longer see the clear tape. This way the flowers stay upright and do not fall over. Think outside of the box too with your vases. Why not try a bowl (cut the stems short for this), a teacup, or even a mason jar?
Dance, Dance
Do one thing everyday that makes you smile
“Dance like no one is watching; sing like no one is listening; work like you don’t need the money; and love like you’ve never been hurt.”
Dancing always brings a smile to my face. The feeling of moving to a song I love simply makes me laugh with happiness. The rush of endorphins from jumping, twirling, side stepping (like a mini exercise routine) also adds to my overall happiness at the end of the song. My challenge to you is to do one thing everyday that makes you happy. You'll thank me for it later on. Anything from being outdoors, exercising, sleeping more, hiking, dancing, singing, watching a movie, reading a book, taking a photograph, whatever you heart desires, will have a positive outcome on your daily life. Studies show that when we do an activity we enjoy, it produces an overall effect of positive and enjoyable experiences for us elsewhere in our lives as in the workplace. Why not take some time then to make ourselves happy?
A Moment to Remeber
Never Giver Up
Happy Thursday everyone! This being my first blog post, I felt it would be appropriate to make it an inspirational one. My mother always said to never give up no matter what obstacles come your way. These past few months have been difficult after losing her, but her advice has stuck with me through it all. Life certainly threw my mother some curve balls, but she always took the high road and never let them get her down. She was the definition of strength, beauty, and courage rolled into one.
I find it only fitting that this first post be dedicated to her. She inspires me each day to follow my dreams and she always gave me encouragement to be the best I can be. She lived a good and happy life, and even after her diagnoses, she still continued to stay positive and find the beauty in all life has to give. In part, because of her uplifting words, I decided to create this site and continue to follow my starry eyed dreams. I'm extremely thrilled to be able to do this and share my creativity.