
My Mother’s Day Weekend

Good morning and happy Wednesday friends! Today I’m happy to be able to share a little glimpse into the fun filled history adventure of my Mother’s Day weekend with you. I finally finished editing all of the photos and got to relive the memories while doing so. I was fortunate enough to spend it in my favorite city filled with history, culture, and excitement. Ava’s always learning and soaking up information. I find it important to teach her as much history as I can about each place we visit. She loves it and can tell you quite a bit about American history! A current favorite of hers right now is Abraham Lincoln. She was completely taken by him and wanted to go talk to him, which we did multiple times at the memorial. One of my favorite pictures is actually her gazing upon Lincoln’s portrait at the National Portrait Gallery. She looks so small standing next to the painting and is in a state of awe. Coming from a history loving family like mine, it’s pretty amazing to see. I kept telling Ava all weekend how lucky I am to have her and thank you for making me your mommy. She gave me the most beautiful gift of all. Being her mommy.  


Xo, Amanda  

Floral Fever

Ruffle Floral Dress c/o (Use The Code AmandaZOV20 for 20% off of your order!) || Straw Circle Bag || Jack Rogers Sandals || Sunglasses || KEP Earrings c/o || DW Watch c/o || 

Hello all and happy Monday!  I am currently writing this from outside as it is such a gorgeous day! We had rain for about 75 perfectof the weekend so it truly feels like a breath of fresh air. Speaking of the weekend, did anyone watch the Royal Wedding?? I didn’t see it live, but as soon as I woke up, I watched all of the highlights and read up on all of the details. It looked like a dream wedding and Harry and Meghan were so happy! I couldn’t be happier for them. I also went to go see Deadpool 2 and loved it. Ryan Reynolds is perfect in the part and oh so halarious. If you liked the first Deadpool, then you are sure to pleased with this one as well. 

 I’ve always been a huge fan of floral prints and wear them year long no matter the season. When the seasons do change into fall and winter, I change over from light brights to dark florals in order to keep rocking my favorite print. They’re also my favorite backdrop to photograph against. The song lyric, “these are a few of my favorite things” comes to mind when thinking of this dress! The eye catching white flowers set against a beautiful blush background make for one stunning combo. The ruffle hem adds some feminine flair while the ruffle cut out in the back gives this dress a fun sexy twist that still feels elegant! On a side note, does anyone know the name of the white flowering trees I’m standing by? They smelled AMAZING! Possibly jasmine? No one knew for sure, but they were increadible. 


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xo, Amanda  

Easter Weekend

A very happy Easter Monday, friends! I hope everyone had a joyous Easter weekend. He is risen, alleluia!! I wanted to share some of my favorite parts from this past holiday weekend. We started with an Easter egg hunt in the backyard and then dyed some eggs, which we later decorated some of Ava’s favorite characters. My dad’s birthday was this past Tuesday, happy birthday dad!, so we celebrated his birthday along with the holiday. Easter Sunday started with church, then a hunt for some baskets the bunny left for Ava, followed by a lunch that I hosted. We lucked out with kind of spring like weather so some walks were also included. It’s wonderul to breathe in the fresh air! It actually snowed last night. It looks a little more like Christmas than Easter right now, but hopefully the couple of inches will melt quickly. I hope everyone has a great start to your week! 


                            xo, Amanda  

My Old Friend, Goodbye

This past Sunday our family dog Belle passed away after a battle with kidney failure. She was 13 1/2 years old and did live a wonderful life. I am so thankful for her being in our lives and bringing love, fun, adventure, and laughter to it. She was an English Springer Spaniel. She helped me get through some hard times in recent years with the passing of many loved ones. She was always my walking or hiking buddy and loved to run free in the fields or state game lands. Her spirit, even as she was declining, could not be beat. That tail of hers never stopped wagging whenever she saw a friendly face. She was a strong girl and reminded me so much of my mother who fought with a loving spirit until the end. Belle passed away at home in my dad’s arms. Pets really do become family members and she was an intrical part of ours. Everyone who met her loved her. I feel very fortunate that Ava got to know her too. It’s been hard these past couple of weeks and especially hard these past few days after she passed. Ava saw me crying and kept hugging me with such a concerned look on her face. It was a sweet moment and one I will never forget. I am blessed to have strong girls in my family. Thank you Belle for being the best friend and companion we could have ever asked for. I will miss you forever. 

xo, Amanda  

My old friend, this song's for you
'Cause a few simple verses was the least that I could do
To tell the world that you were here
'Cause the love and the laughter
Will live on long after
All of the sadness and the tears
We'll meet again
My old friend...goodbye