Dark Floral

Dark Floral- Enchanting Elegance
Dark Floral- Enchanting Elegance
Dark Floral- Enchanting Elegance
Dark Floral- Enchanting Elegance
Dark Floral- Enchanting Elegance
Dark Floral- Enchanting Elegance
Dark Floral- Enchanting Elegance

Sunglasses: Express || Lips: Bare Minerals || Bag: Shoedazzle || Dress: Modcloth || Jacket: Target || Shoes: (SIMILAR) ||

One of my favorite prints to wear is floral. I can never seem to get enough of it! I pulled this dress out of my closet from last fall and thought it would be perfect for an easy summer afternoon ( I wore it last HERE.)  The weather has been a bit unpredictable lately so I always carry a light jacket with me for when the temperature dips down a bit. I've been crazy in love with this Target jean jacket for some easy cool vibes. To keep the outfit casual I went with some flats instead of heels. I picked up these espadrilles in California on our baby moon in March. Perfect for a relaxing day.

xo, Amanda