Photo Bug

Photo Bug- Enchanting Elegance
Photo Bug- Enchanting Elegance
Photo Bug- Enchanting Elegance
Photo Bug- Enchanting Elegance
Photo Bug- Enchanting Elegance
Photo Bug- Enchanting Elegance
Photo Bug- Enchanting Elegance
Photo Bug- Enchanting Elegance

Happy Monday! Being a photographer, I was immediately drawn to this dress the moment I saw it. The peter pan collar and camera print are so charming together along with the fit and flare styling, which in my opinion is always flattering. If I want to have some fun with an outfit, I always grab a printed dress or skirt. There's something quirky and unique about having a print piece and never boring. To keep with the photo exploration theme, I chose these rose gold loafers since I would not be wearing heels while doing a full day of traveling or walking around in the woods. The rose gold is sold out, but silver and black do remain. I always wear these when I want to look sharp while wearing flats.

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekends. Luckily, my family is on the mend from our colds and feeling better. Friday I took Ava down to Valley Forge with my dad. Saturday Justin and I saw the Martian and Sunday we saw Spectre. I know some of you were saying you were going to see Bond as well. What did you think? I personally liked it, but thought it wasn't as good as Skyfall. I'm so conflicted on the ending too. I do not want to spoil the ending for those who have not seen it, but I do not want it to end like that haha.

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xo, Amanda