dina marie joy

Fashion Blogging Interview

Enchanting Elegance Interview

Happy Monday, friends! I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween weekend. We had a blast dressing Ava up as Batman, or Batgirl in her case, while Justin was the Riddler and I was Catwoman. We also carved her first pumpkin into a cute smiling jack-o-lantern.

Today I'm sharing a podcast interview I did with Dina Marie Joy about fashion blogging, branding, and a little bit of my personal life. I had such a great time talking with her and discussing all the details and work that go into creating a blog post. The interview was done in early October and just posted this past weekend. We wanted it to have a laid back vibe as if it were two girlfriends talking to one another. You can listen to the podcast here on her website. Also, the podcast is available to listen on iTunes and Stictcher under Dina Marie Joy. Just subscribe and listen!

Enchanting Elegance Interview