
Check Mate

Check Mate

check mate
check mate
checkered pants
checkered pants
checkered pants
checkered pants
checkered pants
checkered pants
checkered pants

Checkered Pants, Banana Republic, (Similar) | Black Turtleneck Sweater, New York & Company, (Similar) | Coat, New york & Company, (Similar) | Red Bag, TJ Maxx, (Similar) | Bow Heels, DSW, (Similar) | Sunglasses, LC Lauren Conrad, (Similar) | Necklace, Forever 21, (Similar)

What's black and white and red all over? This color combination is one of my favorites and always looks so chic and classy to me. The black, white, and red colors blend so nicely together and create the perfect palette for any outfit . These checkered pants from Banana Republic last season, really stand out and were the starting point for creating this look. Let's not forget these adorable heels with a bow on them! I will buy anything with a bow on it, I love that little detail so much. Hope everyone is having a good start to their week!