Happy 3rd Birthday Ava!

Happy birthday to my beautiful baby girl Ava! Today marks her third birthday, which I can hardly believe. Where did all of that time go?! I told Ava it was cool that her and I both entered our 3’s this year with my 30th and her 3rd. This birthday is all about Star Wars for her, especially Darth Vader. The force is strong with my little Jedi! Star Wars and Vader are her big current loves right now and when I asked her what theme she wanted for her birthday this year, without hesitation she said Star Wars. Ava and I decked ourselves out in our finest SW gear for her 3rd birthday photos and even had a mini lightsaber battle! She really enjoyed that. Her aunt Caitlin got her some Vader and SW tops, which she wore one of for these photos. I pulled out my Millennium Falcon shirt and paired us both in pink skirts. 

Same spot, three years apart. I get so emotional looking at these. How did my itty bitty get so big. 

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.....

Her birthday party was so much fun to plan! Caitlin made the coolest Darth Vader cake, which was beyond delicious. Needless to say, it did not last long, haha. Uncle Mike’s gift was a huge hit too! We even had a piñata this year, guess who it was :) Ava was absolutely mesmerized by all of the decorations and had a look of awe on her face when she saw them all. Below are some more photos from the day! 

 A Birthday Note From Mommy 

To my darling Ava, 

Happy 3rd birthday and what a special day it is. It seems like yesterday I was holding you in my arms for the very first time thinking how lucky I was you chose me to be your mommy. You stole my heart then and continue to steal it everyday. You continue to amaze me as I watch you grow into a beautiful little girl who is strong and courageous with a shining spirit that can light up the world. You light up my world even on the darkest of days. You are my sunshine girl. It is a true joy in life to be able to see you reach for the stars with your curiosity and ever growing imagination. I cannot wait to see what your third year has in store and what adventures life will take you and I on together. Our bond only grows as each year passes. Happy birthday my love bug. May the force be with you on your special day. I love you. 

Xo, Mommy