Ava's Birth Story

Ava's Birth Story- Enchanting Elegance
Ava's Birth Story- Enchanting Elegance
Ava's Birth Story- Enchanting Elegance
Ava's Birth Story- Enchanting Elegance
Ava's Birth Story- Enchanting Elegance

First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for the warmest and kindest wishes that Ava, myself and my family have gotten over the past few days. I read each and every comment (in my few precious moments of spare time haha) and feel so blessed . From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

The big moment has finally arrived and as many of you know, Tuesday August 4th is when little Ava finally made an appearance into this world. Justin and I were going in for a routine ultrasound checkup since I was one day past my due date. My doctor wanted to make sure the environment inside my belly was still good for Ava to thrive in. A weight check was done for Ava during the ultrasound and she measured in at over nine pounds. We were both shocked that she was so big! My doctor feared that Ava would keep growing bigger inside so she sent us up to the hospital to either be induced or to have a c-section. Justin and I were so thrilled that Tuesday would be the day we got to meet our little girl, but also a little nervous since the decision was so sudden.

Once we got to the hospital and saw the doctor, she recommended that a c-section be done since Ava may not have been able to pass through the birth canal. Justin and I agreed to having the c-section for everyone's safety and within forty-five minutes my little one was here! The surgery was the most nerve wracking part. Mine took a bit longer since there were some complications, which also meant I was in the recovery room longer too. I was so anxious to meet Ava. Justin was already with her while my surgery was being completed. When I finally got to the recovery room, I was able to hold Ava and look into her eyes for the first time. The most incredible feeling of love came over me. My dad, brother, brother's girlfriend, and Justin's parents were all there to greet us in the hospital room once we were cleared from recovery. Everyone was so excited and over joyed.

I've been healing up since the surgery. I'm not going to lie and say it was easy, it was not at all. I'm still dealing with some pain, but for the most part doing good. Ava is on a completely different schedule every day and that means sleep is a distant memory. I've also been breast feeding, which takes up my entire day! My dad has been over to help and visit every day since the delivery. He's an amazing grandpa and a big thanks to him for watching Ava while I write this post out. I fall in love with little Ava even more every day. It's a joy to get to see her little personality and facial expressions  while we spend our cuddle time together.

Her full name is Ava Marie Lois Brezovsky. I wanted to get my mom's name (Lois) in there as a remembrance. She was born at 5:42pm on August 4th. She weighed 9lbs 7oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. Again, thank you so much to everyone for your love and warm wishes!


xo, Amanda