Shop Your Own Closet

Budget Babe


I think it would be safe to say most women love to go shopping. There's something about getting a new item that gives a little thrill. While I'm all for that and enjoy it to no end, I want to challenge you to do something that most probably have never thought of, shop your own closet. With the economy the way it is, all of us could benefit from saving an extra penny here and there for the future. As you can see from the picture to the left, my closet is pretty jam packed as it it. Mind you, this is just my Spring and Summer wardrobe. I have to admit, when I took the challenge myself to peruse through my own closet, I found some items I had forgotten even existed. Finding these "new items" was pretty exciting and felt good, just like a shopping trip would. So for the next week challenge yourself to shop your own closet and be amazed at what you might find.
