simple pleasures

Good Reads

Fall 2014 Edition

fall reading

There's nothing like curling up with a good book once the weather starts to cool. I always seem to gravitate towards mystery novels once Autumn hits and maybe that's due to the mystery that starts to fill the air with the days getting shorter, nights getting longer, and Halloween right around the corner. I love to snuggle under a blanket with a nice cup of tea and loose myself into an imaginary world. Without further ado, here is my Fall 2014 reading list.



  1. Girl Three by Tracy March. This was recommended to me by my relative and with good reason. It's a murder mystery set in Washington D.C. with political agendas, romance, betrayal, and the unraveling of secrets. Seems like a page turner to me and one that I cannot wait to read. The author wrote the book in a condo that was owned by my relatives and one that I had to pleasure of actually staying in. Pretty cool if you ask me.

  2. The Night Circus by Eric Morgenstern. A spell casting novel about a circus that magically appears out of thin air and brings with it all of the excitement and unique experiences a circus can offer. Behind the scenes, within the circus, a competition of imagination and will is going on, one that could destroy the circus, performers, and patron alike.

  3. How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are by Anne Berest, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret, Sophie Mas. A how to book by four French women on everything from how they dress, entertain, have fun, and attempt to behave themselves. I don't know about you, but anything Parisian gets my vote!

  4. The Devil in the White City: A Saga of Magic and Murder at the Fair that Changed America by Erik Larson. A true story of how the Chicago Worlds Fair came to be and all that went on around it. An intertwining story of a serial murderer who used the 1893 fair to lure his victims to their death.

  5. Station Eleven by Emily St. Jon Mandel. A spellbinding story about a group of nomad actors, a Hollywood star and his soon to be savior, set in the eerie days of civilizations collapse, roaming the scattered outposts of the Great Lakes region, risking everything for art and humanity.

  6. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. The story of a New York boy who survives a car accident that kills his mother. Tormented by her death, he clings to a painting that reminds him of her, and one that ultimately draws him into the underworld of art. As an adult, he owns an antique store, finds himself to be alienated and in love, and at the center of a dangerous circle.

fall reading

What are some books you're currently reading or ones you're looking forward to?

Good Reads

Summer Edition

Summer time reading

I always have a beautiful vision of relaxing in the summer sun with a warm breeze blowing, the birds chirping, and a cool beverage in my one hand with a fascinating book in my other. Whether in my backyard, by the sea, or poolside, a summer read should give the opportunity to sit back and relax for a little while.  I always  find myself becoming busier during the warmer months, so knowing I can have a few moments to take a breather and become immersed into another world seems to good to resist.

Some books on my reading list are as follows:

  • These Few Precious Days by Christopher Andrews. This book tells of the final year of John and Jackie Kennedy before the assassination occurred. Being the huge Kennedy fan that I am, this climbed to the top of my list as a must read. Rare, behind-the-scenes moments, detailing their tender and complex love story like never seen before.
  • Marilyn Monroe The Finals Years by Keith Badman. Detailing the last two years of her life, while setting the record straight on all of the rumors that continue to surround America's biggest movie star there ever was.
  • Cutting Teeth by Julia Fierro. A group of 30 somethings meet at a beach house over a summer weekend. This book was named one of the "30 must reads of 2014" by the Huffington Post. Sounds good to me!
  • Gone Girl By Gillian Flynn. I've been wanting to read this for a while after hearing so many good things about it. Especially now that the book is set to hit theaters towards the end of the year, I want to read up on it before actually seeing the movie.
  • Insurgent by Veronica Roth. Book number two in the Divergent series, this sequel picks up with Tris who must continue to fight for the ones she loves and deal with the oncoming war ahead. After seeing the movie "Divergent" in theaters, I instantly liked the story and knew this series would become something big similar to The Hunger Games.
Summer time reading

Simple Pleasures

Tea Time and Macarons

Tea time and macarons

Mornings have always been one of my favorite times of the day. The fresh new clean feeling, the endless amount of possibilities that could occur, and the grateful sense of knowing I have made it another day. One morning activity I quite adore is to sit back, while after having my breakfast, to take a moment to enjoy a simple pleasure of mine, tea and macaron cookies. Albeit, this is not an everyday occurrence, but that makes it more special when it does. These little darlings became popular in France and soon made their way state side. While I cannot get the little cookie locally, only bigger cities seem to have them in Pennsylvania, I treasure the ones I do have the chance to acquire. Light and airy with either a creme or jelly center, macarons have become a new favorite of mine, not to mention how pretty they look! I also like to get my little sweet treat out of the way in the morning so I have the rest of the day to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to make up for it. Remember, moderation is key.

tea time and macarons

Beauty All Around

One of the biggest complaints I hear when dealing with photography is there is nothing to shoot. Not so! Simply go outside into the backyard or nearby area to capture the scenery around you. The simpleness of a single flower can make a huge impact in a photo. People just walk by them everyday and do not realize the beauty they possess or how intriguing they can be. All of these photos were recently captured around my property. The photo of the lake at sunset was taken about 15 minutes from my house. An easier step to remember when shooting flowers is to try and get the background blurred out for that quality impact shot. Basically, you want to keep the aperture wide open and depending on your lens, that could be at a 1.8 to a 5.6. Then zoom in on the flower, pick a focus point, and voila, you're on your way to capturing all the beauty around you. On a side note, the rhododendron blooms were taken just after it had rained outside. The tiny water droplets really add depth to the image. Some people like to take a water spritzer with them to add water into the photograph and while I've never done this myself, it without question will give the photo that something extra special. All in all, open your eyes to see the world around you. Anything from a dandelion, flower, bird feeder, leaf, insect, bumblebee, bird, rocks, or a new perspective or angle can widen your horizons when photographing.

Simple Pleasures

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too


When it comes to dessert time, that signals all sorts of warning bells in my head. Basically, how bad the sweet treat can be for my body and health. One thing I have learned though, like most things in life, is moderation is key. I always watch the sugar content in all types of foods be it the appetizer, main course, or dessert, due to the toll it takes on the body. Sugar can literally make you look older, yikes! Cutting sweets completely out of the diet would be ideal, but as I have learned in the past, cravings can come on strong and take over, leading to an eventual dessert fest of all sorts. To keep the cravings at bay moderation comes into play. Either make healthy comprises like swapping milk chocolate out for healthy 70% dark chocolate, which is filled with flavanoids and becomes more like fiber at 70%, or treat yourself to one dessert a week so as not to completely limit yourself, but also keeping the sugar at bay. This way, you can have your cake and eat it too, the best of both worlds being had.

Finding that balance can be tricky, but simply takes some planning and good decision making. Instead of bleached flour, buy whole wheat flour, and instead of white rice, try the ever healthy quinoa. I've used whole wheat flour and quinoa in many of my recipes for cooking and baking, and they come out fantastic. Instead of grabbing a bag of chips from the vending machine, try to pack an apple instead or bring some berries and almonds to munch on. Having that one dessert at the end on the week, or whenever you prefer, will not seem so bad after all of the healthy choices being made. Not only that, but it gives you something to look forward to, a nice reward for all of your hard work!

Blooming Blossoms

The Washington D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival 2014

The arrival of Spring brings a renewed hope in life from the warmer weather, bountiful sunshine, and life "springing" up from all around. The grass and trees start to get greener, the newborn animals play, and the flowers begin to bloom bringing splendid color and fragrances with them.  I look forward to the Cherry Blossom Festival, not only visit one of the greatest cities, but mainly to experience and capture the beauty of the blossoming trees as they bring forth a wondrous feeling of awe.

Weather wise, the sun shined at high capacity and the temperature reached a max of 80 degrees. Absolutely perfect for walking around and taking pictures of the beauteous blossoms. My friend Mike, who lives in Maryland, invited my husband and I down for the weekend so we could all visit D.C. Finding shaded areas with the blossoms proved to provide the best results picture wise. We all had a fabulous time and hope to get there next year! Without further ado, here are some photos from the trip!


Good Reads

Magical Transport

Books are a uniquely portable magic.
— Stephen King

Some days are just meant to be spent inside curled up under a warm blanket, drinking a cup of hot tea, and being transported into another world. On a day such as this, rainy and cold outside, a book becomes a fantastic device to envision a whole new outlook. Books let the imagination flourish and enhances the ability to create, to learn, and to be mindful of the beauty surrounding life.


I'm never very far from a good book, whether located on my night stand, kindle app, bookshelf, or coffee table, one can always be within my reach. Many of my favorite lean towards the category of biography. John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra to name a few, but I also devour books that can take me to an enchanted world that simply does not exist in the "real" world. Ideas of magical wizards, vampires, Gatsby-esque figures and fairy princess's bring out the dreamer within me. Also, a good mystery novel, such as Sherlock Holmes, always excites my adventurous and inquisitive side. Whatever your preference may be, I find it important to read as much as possible, to not only educate ones self, but to also keep the imagination alive.

Currently reading: Listening In: The Secret White House Recordings of John F. Kennedy